22 July 2013


{Weekly Craving} July 2013 #4

Weekly Craving is a weekly feature that shows new releases on my TBR.

A Darkness Strange and Lovely (Something Strange and Deadly #2) by Susan Dennard
OCD Love Story by Corey Ann Haydu

Undercurrent by Paul Blackwell

I gotta say I'm pretty excited for the comic (biggest Avatar fan ever!) but the other books look cool as well. What new releases are you excited about this week?


  1. There is an Avatar comic? What?!?! I need that. Yesterday. And OCD Love Story also looks interesting :D

    ~Sydney@Pika Pages

  2. Avatar Part 2?! Why haven't I ever heard about this?! You are probably a bigger fan than I am, but still, I enjoy my Avatar here and there--in considerable doses. :D The Something Strange and Deadly series has the most gorgeous covers going. Look at dat dress. * ^ *

    P.S. If you are up for a recommendation of anime (if you aren't than don't listen to me) watch Tsuritama. It's a fishing anime and seems not to have much of a plot, but it's super hilarious and something very summer-y. XD<--(don't worry, you don't need to watch it, I just needed to recommend to someone cause it's so good so far. XD)

  3. OCD Love Story sounds cute, especially I'm a bit OCD sometimes so perhaps I can relate to it haha ;D I am pretty excited for Undercurrent as well! Heard it was good :)

    Oh I know you told me to watch Avatar once I'd finished SAO but unfortunately... I already have sooo much school work I can't watch it anytime soon :(


Hi there! Please comment below and I'll reply and return the favor! Leave me a link to your post and I'll definitely come check it out :)