23 August 2013


{Review} A Taylor-Made Life - Kary Rader

A Taylor-Made Life by Kary Rader
Genre: NA Romance
Release Date: Jul 18 / 2013
They lived the life they were given; they loved the life they made.
Cheerleader Taylor Smith doesn’t want to die a virgin. Unfortunately, if the terminally-ill leukemia patient doesn't find a lover or a stem-cell match within months, her fear will become reality. When her cancer mentor is revealed to be a hottie entrepreneur from California, it seems fate might finally be on her side.
Tech-geek Gavin Taylor has everything he ever wanted, except someone to grieve for him when he's gone. With his melanoma cancer beyond the help of his riches, he agrees to participate in a cancer patient mentoring program where he's matched with a dying teen from Texas. Despite his immediate attraction, the Silicon Valley whiz intends only to provide friendship and happy memories to the beautiful, young woman who is determined to win his love.
When it's discovered that his frozen sperm and her harvested eggs could lead to a cure, Taylor's mother offers to be a surrogate. And Gavin must decide if he can risk the heart he has never given and a child he'll never know to a girl he just met.

*A review copy was provided by Kary Rader*
Thanks so much :) This doesn't alter my review in any way

A Taylor-Made Life is a heartwrenching story that had me sobbing (which rarely happens because I don't get emotional when I read). It was beautifully written and I didn't think I would like it so much.

Gavin and Taylor both had cancer and what they don't have is time. Taylor wanted to have sex with a guy before she dies so she goes on dating sites to try to find the perfect guy. Gavin is the CEO of a video game company. He's rich but he's expected die soon. The thing that brought the two lovebirds together was the cancer program which helps both the mentor and the student fight cancer. They were just so cute together and I was always cheering for them to beat the disease and live for love.

I must admit, Gavin annoyed me quite a bit at the beginning of the story. Taylor was all for having a romantic relationship but Gavin didn't want that. He thought the age difference was too much and that he couldn't really justify dating a woman that's a lot younger than him. When Gavin stopped protesting, I liked him because he was sweet, cute, and just so very nerdy :) 

[SPOILER] I was so sad at the end and I cried. Lots. The letter from Gavin was so beautiful and moving. I just couldn't hold my tears in. I'm not emotional at all when I read and I was amazed that this book could make me cry! It just rarely happens... [SPOILER END]

As I said, A Taylor-Made Life is a beautifully written story that brings two people who doesn't have hope and create something miraculous out of it. This is my first contemporary book about cancer and I would love to say that I enjoyed it very much :)


1 comment:

  1. Hmm... Interesting! I'm not into disease books but it must be that good if it made you cry! It sounds like TFIOS at some point (Hazel and Gus also met in a cancer support group program). Lovely review! :D

    P.S.: Just a week left till my exams are done!! YAYY


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