06 September 2013



Unfortunately, I'm going on a break for a while. I just started school and came back from Asia. I'm suffering from jet lag. School's been busy as well. I'm also going on a school trip for three days next week. I just don't really have the time to blog during all this madness. I'm planning on taking a break from now until Sept 23rd. That seems like a long time but I think that's what I need to get myself together. I might come back earlier or later, depending on how things go. Another reason for going on hiatus is that I've been really bored reading lately. I can't seem to get into any books and I hope to rekindle my love for books. I hope I would be back soon to share with you guys soon! But for now, good-bye :)  x


  1. I hope you catch up during your hiatus! Miss you xxx


    Lol xD Moving on from my random outburst, I totally get where your coming from, since I've started school I've been on a serious reading slump :'( Like its taken me literally like two week and a half to finish the 5th wave O_O AND IM STILL NOT DONE. I GO DAYS DAYSS WITHOUT READING.

    What is wrong with the world?

    Everythings just been so hectic that I dont have time and I get so lazy that I don't want to post on the blog as much :/ I kinda have to push myself. So take all the time you need girlie, and REKINDLE THE LOVE :D but in the meantime I'll miss your posts :)

  3. Eeeeeh GOOD LUCH AT SCHOOL ARIELLA!! :') Mine has been pretty tough, I don't have much free time as I used to have .__. Tons of school work and I feel like some teachers just can't explain. (Screw you, Physics...!) And I haven't had enough sleep recently, thanks to my exams and tight schedule :/ I hope you can overcome the jetlag so it wouldn't be too hard for you!

    Me neither! I have felt lazy for these past few weeks but since I am obliged to review 2 books per month for school work, bleh, I HAVE TO read :/ I hope you can find your passion again and I'll see you in next few weeks! :3

    And have fun at school trip! :D

  4. ARRIIIEEEEELLLLLAAA!!!!!( ;´Д`)NOOOOOO!!!! I HOPE YOU GET LOTS OF RESTS AND WATCH AMAZING ANIME AND COME BACK SOON, KAY? In the meant time, everyone needs a little break, so there is never a worry over stepping back a little and doing other things instead. ^^ I'm going to miss your posts so much! I admire you so much for posting so much! Hopefully you get into reading! SLUMPS ARE THE WORST! In the meantime, stay amazing and I hope you have much fun with school and everything else intesting you doo. 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜

  5. Have an absolutely lovely hiatus, and read lots of lovely books that bring you back into the love of books sphere. I look forward to seeing you blogging again soon! x

  6. I hope you have a nice hiatus! I can't wait for you to be back :)
    Sydney @ Pika Pages


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