29 July 2014


{Review} The Forever Song - Julie Kagawa

The Forever Song by Julie Kagawa
Genre: YA Paranormal / Dystopia
Series: Blood of Eden #3
Release Date: Apr 15 / 2014
Publisher: Harlequin Teen 
Vengeance will be hers.

Allison Sekemoto once struggled with the question: human or monster? With the death of her love, Zeke, she has her answer.


Allie will embrace her cold vampire side to hunt down and end Sarren, the psychopathic vampire who murdered Zeke. But the trail is bloody and long, and Sarren has left many surprises for Allie and her companions - her creator Kanin, and her blood brother, Jackal. The trail is leading straight to the one place they must protect at any cost - the last vampire-free zone on Earth, Eden. And Sarren has one final, brutal shock in store for Allie.
In a ruined world where no life is sacred and former allies can turn on you in one heartbeat, Allie will face her darkest days. And if she succeeds, her triumph will be short-lived in the face of surviving forever alone.

*A copy was provided by the publisher for review*
Thank you to Harlequin Teen and Netgalley!

There will be spoilers to the first two books.

The Forever Song is the last book of the Blood of Eden series. To be honest, I avoided picking this book because I knew that I would love it and I would be sad afterwards. I already knew it would be amazing before I started, and I wasn't disappointed!

The book starts right after where it left off. Zeke died and Allie was in depression. She no longer fights to be human and she decides that she will get revenge on Sarren and also save the human race by stopping Sareen from spreading a new virus. Allie gets on the road again with Kanin and Jackal to save the world.

This book reminded me of how much I love Julie Kagawa's writing. It's really well thought out. It's action packed, filled with emotions, but also never fails to make you laugh. Each character is very different and they all have their own personality. Allie has also really grown up a lot throughout the whole story. She struggles with the whole "human or monster" concept and I think she has really found answers for herself in the end.

Following after Sarren was crazy. He left such a blood bath everywhere that he went. It was mortifying. The book had a fast a pace and it always moved along really nicely. Nothing felt like it was just a filler. The whole process of going after Sarren was really entertaining. Things were never going and I never felt, "Oh, when's the exciting stuff actually going to happen?" I was really immersed in Kagawa's writing and I loved every single moment of the story.

The Forever Song is an incredible ending to this amazing series. I loved everything about it from the plot to the characters (Jackal takes the cake for my favorite character). Anything by Julie Kagawa, in my book, is a must-read. If you love Julie Kagawa books (or just action-packed and humourous books in general), you must pick up this series!


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