28 April 2014


I'm Back!

Hello everyone!

I don't know if you've noticed but I haven't been posting anything lately. Things have gotten hectic in my life with school work and such that I haven't really been reading. In my free time, I usually just resort to watching TV or reading manga. I've been gone for about a month (though it might not seem like it), but I'm back now! Hopefully, I can get back into the groove of things again and I hope all of you will continue to support my blog! Thanks :)


  1. Yay! Welcome back! I myself was on hiatus for about three months, so I'm still adjusting to the busy blogging life again...but I missed it! It was fun! (:

    1. Glad to know you're back like me! I guess everyone needs time off once in a while when life unexpectedly hits you in the face :)

  2. Ariellaaaaaaaa I have been busy too! :( And even though my exams are over I'm simply too lazy to read / blog. Hopefully everything is good on your end! I'm sorry that I haven't been commenting either :( I hope we can talk more now! ^^

    1. Gah Kezia I miss you!!!! I've been busy too since school started after my spring break. I got parties and school events to attend and lots of exams too. We should definitely talk like we used to; I missed that :(

  3. HAIIIIIIIIIIII :D Girl, I totally understand, I've been having on and off blogging slumps because I'm just so lazy these days and my time management skills suck. Glad to hear your back! :)


Hi there! Please comment below and I'll reply and return the favor! Leave me a link to your post and I'll definitely come check it out :)